We have Hope!

Romans 15:13

 Now, may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

As believers, we are never without hope! How the Bible defines hope and how the world defines hope are very different. The world thinks hope is wishing something will happen. But how the Bible defines hope as a confident expectation that what God has said will come to pass! 

In God, there is no such thing as a hopeless situation because we serve the God of hope! (Romans 15:13) 

Sometimes, it can be easy to think that we will always have to live with hurt, rejection, pain, shame and sorrow because we’ve been so used to it that instead of seeing ourselves free from those things, they become something that we’ve learned to manage on a day by day basis. 

But as Christians, we don’t have to learn how to constantly put up with those hurting emotions. Instead, we can believe that when Jesus died on the cross, He not only dealt with our sin, but He also dealt with the effects of sin that have been done to us by others. Isaiah 53:4 says, “Surely He has borne our griefs

And carried our sorrows…” Jesus bore those things for us because He knew that there would be things from the evil in this world that would deeply impact us. 

Praise God that He cares about our souls! 

The first step to freedom when it comes to deep emotional hurt and pain in the soul is to recognise that there is hope in Jesus. We don’t have to put up with tormenting hurts any more! 

I encourage you this week to start seeing yourself living from anxiety, depression, hurts, unforgiveness, and bitterness. See the peace of God changing your thought patterns, the love of God washing over the past, the goodness of God taking over what has been to you. This is the freedom that Jesus came to bring us: a prosperous soul. (3 John 2) 

Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you. 



Redeemer Coast