Knowing God's Will - Three Questions to Ask Yourself

It will pay to discover God's will for your life. The following are three crucial questions we need to ask if we are to know His will.

1. What does the Bible say?

This may seem cliched, but it is the most fundamental of all questions to ask when discovering God's will. The Bible is God's revealed will to all of humanity, and that includes you. As well as that, God doesn't play favourites with His children. If He has promised something in His Word - it applies to everyone.

'For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through Him, the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.' 2 Corinthians 1: 20 NIV.

When we believe and act on God's promises, it gives God glory - it is His will for our lives. Some people have taught that God's promises, written in His Word, don't apply to everyone. That's what the Apostle Peter thought about the promise of the Holy Spirit- he believed the Holy Spirit was only for Jewish Christians. However, when Peter saw that the Holy Spirit had been given to non-Jews, he said, "I now realise how true it is that God does not show favouritism." (Acts 10:34)

We can't have true Bible faith until we are confident of God's will for our lives, and there is nothing more certain than His promises!

2. Am I obedient to God's Word?

In the scriptures, there is specific guidance regarding how we should live our lives. The second question is crucial because once we know God's will in a particular area and don't act on it, we harden our conscience. The Bible calls this 'searing' our conscience. (1 Timothy 4:2)

Our conscience is the eyes, ears and the voice of our heart and therefore, the primary way we hear from God. (Romans 1:21, 2:15, 8:16)

Have you ever noticed how some people can drink their coffee or tea poured straight from the kettle? That's because their mouths have become desensitised or seared. They have lost a degree of sensitivity.

Likewise, when we disobey what we already know to be God's will, our heart becomes desensitised to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

I am regularly amazed when counselling Christians how willing people are to ignore what they already know to be God's will. I'm even more surprised at some of the advice given by Christian' counsellors', which overlook the elementary guidance found in God's Word. Some of the first things Christian counsellors should be asking people include; 'are you going to, and participating in a good Bible-believing church?' and 'are you honouring your spouse and your employees?', and 'are you giving regularly?'

These things are Christianity 101, and there is no way that we can expect to consistently hear from God, or know His will if we have hardened our hearts to the basics of God's will.

3. What is the Holy Spirit saying?

The Holy Spirit will lead us in several ways. Firstly, the Holy Spirit will always remind you of what God has already shown you in the Word of God. He will also give you an understanding of God's Word. (John 14:26)

Secondly, in areas of life that are unique to you, He will guide you, primarily through a 'witness' in your spirit. It's the same sort of witness that Christians have in their heart about being saved. (Romans 8:16) In Acts 15:28, Peter and the other Apostle wrote, 'For it seemed good to Holy Spirit …' So, we need to develop our Holy Spirit' seemer'. Describing this another way, I've heard some mature Christians say, 'It just sits right'.

We need to be careful not to confuse this with emotions. It's more like a 'knowing'. An effective way of learning to recognise the witness of the Holy Spirit is to become aware of His confirming witness in areas of your life in which you are already sure of God's will.

Once you know the leading of the Holy Spirit, act on it. This is important. You can't steer a ship that isn't moving. If you want further leading from God, first act on what you already know.

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Written by Pastor Grant Peterson

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