Activate God's Covenant

Everything we would ever need in this life, God, in His lovingkindness, put it all in a covenant that is sealed by the blood of Jesus.

That means that there is no situation or circumstance that is bigger than the covenant that we are in!

In the Old Covenant, the nation of Israel had wonderful promises of healing, blessing, provision, and the presence of God.

The Bible says that the Old Covenant was a shadow of things to come, so how much better is the New Covenant that is founded on better promises? (Hebrews 8:6)

This New Covenant is one that is sealed in the finished works of Jesus and activated by our faith in Him.

God desires for His children to live a life filled with His blessing, to live out His original intent for mankind before sin came into the world.

Mankind could not keep the requirements of the covenant, so Jesus became the sacrifice that would once and for all meet the requirement to ensure that the promises of God would be available to anyone who would believe in Him.

This is why we can boldly declare that we are the righteousness of God in Christ! Why we can boldly declare that by His stripes, we are healed! Why we can boldly declare that we have peace in our homes! Why we can boldly declare that we have a sound mind!

Jesus’s blood was poured out for us so we can live this life experiencing the faithfulness of God!

Let’s be bold in this covenant and proclaim His promises over our lives!

Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you.



Redeemer Coast